Site Info
Members: 5602
Series: 1
Stories: 45
Chapters: 476
Word count: 1491638
Authors: 8
Reviews: 699
Reviewers: 100
Newest Member: Lynniec

Featured Stories
Wild Wind, Xanthe's tale by jamies_lady
Summary: The third daughter of the rainbow, Xanthe, heads home to her soul's roots.
Rated: 17+
Categories: Original Fiction, Seven Daughters of the rainbow

A Revelation, A Ritual, and an Unconventional Romance by GES Round Robins
Summary: On her 20th birthday, Hermione becomes of age and learns of an inheritance she...
Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Harry Potter

Children of the Shadows by GES Round Robins
Summary: Hermione is plagued by disturbing dreams and keeps waking up in the Department...
Rated: 17+ starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Harry Potter

The Cursed and the Divine by GES Round Robins
Summary: Healer hermione. Walking dead idea. There's a killer disease infecting the Wizarding...
Rated: 17+ starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Harry Potter

Most Recent
The Cursed and the Divine by GES Round Robins
Summary: Healer hermione. Walking dead idea. There's a killer disease infecting the Wizarding...
Rated: 17+ starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Harry Potter

Random Story
{ Envy - Part 2 - The Seven Deadly Death Eater Tales by AnneM
Summary: Time was a very strange thing, but even time couldn't heal some wounds. Severus...
Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Harry Potter

Welcome to Unicorn Dreams, the fanfiction site for jamies_lady. You will find Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Harry Potter fiction as well as original fiction.
Site News
A Huge Welcome
A wonderful, huge welcome to AnneM .. our newest author... please make her welcome, she deserves it.

--Jamies_lady on 03/19/2012 04:41 PM 1 Comments
We've hit a million words on the site!!

--Jamies_lady on 10/14/2011 02:57 PM 2 Comments
Angel's heart
Just found out I have won second prize in the sycophant hex competition for this, I am delighted

--jamies_lady on 10/03/2011 02:28 PM 2 Comments
Original Fiction [21] all the stuff you won't recognise from TV, Books or Film
Buffy [11] Buffy Stories, mostly Spuffy
Harry Potter [18] My Harry Potter fics, Mostly Hermionecentric