Who was the lamest Buffy villian?

Summary: Anya, instead of Spike, witnesses Buffy's humiliation...
During the fight with Glory, it is discovered that two Slayers are being held prisoner by the Council. ...
These are Scenes that come to me. I write them and rarely are the connected. They can...
This is an archive for maryperk's stories.
In Mary's world it's only a matter of time before Spike and Buffy admit that they have wanted each other since the first time they met.
Please enjoy the stories and let me know what you think. Unless it's a flame, which will not be appreciated.
It's time to renew the site.? My husband had a stroke back in October.? So, he's no longer working.? We are relying on my income and hopefully social security.? The site is $203 for a year.? I just don't have the money right now.
Edited to add: this issue has been resolved.
--maryperk on 01/31/2024 12:17 pm 0 Comments