Date: 03/02/2012 07:58 pm Title: Prologue
Loved this story. The Giles / Spike friendship was great and the repeated dusting of Angel and his Subsequent fear of going to sunnydale was hilarious
Date: 07/19/2010 03:58 am Title: Epilogue
loved it and giles he was funny!!:)
Date: 06/13/2009 01:02 pm Title: Epilogue
Just wanted to make it crystal clear that I absolutely loved this fic! I've read it about 3 times already and whenever things might be a bit overwhelming in RL I think I'll fall back on this (among others)
Date: 06/13/2009 01:01 pm Title: Epilogue
i've probably read this story 10 times and i never get sick of it. thanks for writing.
Date: 06/13/2009 01:01 pm Title: Epilogue
I still get a kick out of where Riley ends up going. ROFL. Loved this story from start to finish. You ladies did an awesome job on it.
Date: 06/13/2009 01:01 pm Title: Restless Dreams
Man those dreams are still messed up and twisted. rofl
Date: 06/13/2009 01:00 pm Title: Day 21
Awesome chapter! Go Scoobies!
Date: 06/13/2009 12:59 pm Title: Day 19C
That was a lot of work to get everything done, but they did it. I wonder if they will repeat tomorrow or wake up on the next day?
Date: 06/13/2009 12:59 pm Title: Day 19B
Excellent! Getting a lot done this day.
Date: 06/13/2009 12:58 pm Title: Day 19A
I have to crack up at Jonathan and Andrew. Poor Giles. LOL
Date: 06/13/2009 12:58 pm Title: Day 18
she told him! YAY!!
Date: 06/13/2009 12:57 pm Title: Day 18
{claps} Excellent chapter. Whoo hoo. go Scoobies!
Date: 06/13/2009 12:57 pm Title: Day 17
Awesome progressions.
Date: 06/13/2009 12:56 pm Title: Day 16
Excellent day ... very happy for this one!
Date: 06/13/2009 12:56 pm Title: Day 15
finally spike gets it! took him long enough, best part is when wills and tara have to explain to him that he loves buffy so perfect
Date: 06/13/2009 12:55 pm Title: Day 15
Awww ... Poor Spike and Buffy ... {Sniffles}
Date: 06/13/2009 12:55 pm Title: Day 14
i understand that this chapter is important but i don't like most of it, but i do like when angel marks riley for revenge
Date: 06/13/2009 12:54 pm Title: Day 14
Whew ... that was a very VERY scary day!
Date: 06/13/2009 12:52 pm Title: Day 13
the hunting down angel was fantastic and giles should be giggling drunk more often
Date: 06/13/2009 12:52 pm Title: Day 13
Okay the "cell phone in his head" bit was hilarious. I was actually laughing out loud at that part again. I love it.<br /> <br /> So sad for the end of this one though.
Date: 06/13/2009 12:52 pm Title: Day 12
spike in denial land gets funnier with every chapter
Date: 06/13/2009 12:51 pm Title: Day 12
Yippee!! Xander got his chance. I hope they can keep getting through to Xander int he subsequent days. {Smiles} Xander not being an ass is always nice.
Date: 06/13/2009 12:51 pm Title: Day 11
it's so funny how spike reacts to buffy putting the moves on him.