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Author's Chapter Notes:

Author's Note: I really love this idea and just couldn't help myself when I thought of it. Read, Enjoy, and Review!

Disclaimer: I don't own nothing. This disclaimer will not be repeated in later chapters.


It was a nice, ordinary Monday afternoon, just before lunchtime, when you could find me in the library. I chewed on my lip slightly as I read through the huge tome – Confronting the Faceless – which was a sixth year book, but slightly advanced. My wild hair was pulled into a crisp ponytail at the top of my head, keeping it away from my light brown eyes as I attempted to concentrate over the thoughts of N.E.W.T tests coming up soon.

"Miss Granger, I believe that it is lunchtime and unless you would prefer to skip lunch and starve, I highly recommend the Great Hall to be your next destination." A drawling voice came over to me, interrupting my panicked thoughts. I knew glaring at the owner of this voice would do nothing, because he was the master of all glares. Severus Snape.

All day, anyone who even attempted to come near my table were glared at so fiercely - regardless of age or year - that they dropped everything in their over-loaded arms and ran. I sighed angrily and said, "No thank you Professor, I would prefer to starve if my options are lunch or a book." I glared at him a little distractedly before focusing on the book.

"Miss Granger, as your teacher, I am ordering you to go to lunch now." He said, resolve wearing.

I growled, exasperated. "As your student, I am telling you that I would rather not and there is no force on this earth – not even Voldemort – which will make me move from this table or chair."

"Ten points from Gryffindor for disrespecting an authority figure." He said idly, used to taking points from his favorite house by now. Snape sneered at me coldly.

I was now downright annoyed and snapped. "Can't you go find some poor, defenseless first year to torture? Must it be me, Hermione Granger, when I haven't done anything to indicate in the slightest that I want to be bothered right now? Just go away, Professor!"

He stared at me in slight shock, and I stared right back defiantly. "Thirty points from Gryffindor and a week of detention. Now go to lunch before I decide to take any more." He snarled, composing himself.

Thoroughly angered by my Potions professor, I then decided, as I slung my bag onto one shoulder and my book was placed securely in my arms, that I would make Snape's life Hell.

Starting Potions class.

Lucky for me, lunch passed quickly with glares from all the houses being sent my way, and finally it was Potions. I smiled slyly as I put my plan in action.

When I first walked in eagerly, a good ten minutes after the late bell, I made direct eye contact with Snape – making sure that the class was all around me and held his black eyes in my warm ones. Then, slowly and seductively, my tongue grazed my lips, and after half a heartbeat, I was engaged in a conversation with Ron about the over-load of homework.

I felt eyes on my back and knew that Snape was wondering if that really happened.

Oh, don't worry, Snape-y boy, you won't wonder if it's real after today's lesson…

"Late, Miss Granger! 10 points from Gryffindor!" I just smiled at him sweetly, taking the last available seat next to Draco Malfoy. I figured it would be better to sit with Malfoy than a Gryffindor. I was being treated like shit these days by all of Hogwarts for some fathomless reason.

After a few moments of note-taking, I began doodling on the corner of my parchment, and as it started out on one corner, it gradually filled the other three, and slowly moved to cover all the edges until it covered most of my notes. I didn't realize something was wrong until I felt a set of thirty eyes on me.

I looked up to Snape and asked, "Yes Professor?" in a very innocent voice.

"Miss Granger, your quill has not left your parchment since I began talking and after I ended." Snape said lightly, but he was sneering. My eyes swept over the classroom carefully and realized that everyone had ingredients out and fires burning under cauldrons. "May I see your notes?"

"Umm…no!" I blurted in a moment of slight panic. I would have to do something about the panic problem.

"No?" His eyebrows rose, and the class began staring at us, forgetting about their fires and potions to be made.

"Yes….I mean, no, I mean, yes, you cannot see my notes." I said, stumbling. I was a goody-two-shoes!

Well, it's time to replace that image.

Getting annoyed, Snape yelled, "Accio Granger's notes!" I struggled to hold on to my paper as it went flying from my hand and to his.

"Hey!" I yelled, enraged, but he held up a hand to silence me.

His eyebrows rose higher and higher into his hairline, and finally, they were unable to be seen. "I believe a zero for today's class shall suffice." He said simply, burning my doodles with a quick muttered incantation.

"Hey! I worked hard on those!" I blurted in a moment of sheer stupidity.

"Indeed? Well, twenty points from Gryffindor." He said, turning back to the Slytherins. Most were sniggering at my misfortune. My anger flared.

"Twenty points to Gryffindor because of my hard work on those drawings!" I had actually liked them. There was one of me strangling Snape as he begged for mercy – it was stick figures, sure, but awesome anyway.

"Thirty points to Slytherin because I am the Head of House."

"Forty points to Harry and Ron because they are my best friends."

"Fifty points to Draco Malfoy because he is my godson."

"Hey! That's biased! Sixty points to Lavender because she got Ron off of me in our sixth year."

"And you were not biased? Seventy points to Parkinson because Draco liked her at one point in his life."

"Eighty points to Neville because he is awesome at Herbology."

"Ninety points to Crabbe and Goyle because they are stupid!"

"One hundred points to me because I am Head Girl and can do this kind of stuff!"

"Two hundred –" I could have kept going on, but Dumbledore came in.

"Miss Granger, Professor Snape, as I passed through the Great Hall, I saw the strangest sight – " He was interrupted by some girl from Slytherin being stupid.

"Was it Flitwick and Hagrid shagging?" Everyone gagged.

"No." Dumbledore said evenly. "I have seen a highly unusual amount of house points being added to Slytherin and Gryffindor. Am I right in assuming that the two of you can remedy this situation?" His damned eyes were twinkling.

"Yes, Headmaster." We both said.

"Three hundred points from Gryffindor because I was being foolish." I muttered, doing the math in my head quickly.

"Two hundred forty points from Slytherin because Miss Granger was being foolish." Snape snapped. I glared but he refused to be intimidated.

"Also, Miss Granger, you have been made Head Girl for a reason – do not abuse the power." He said gravely. I turned a soft baby pink and muttered incoherently.

"And, Professor Snape, as much as I immensely dislike interrupting your lesson, I wish to borrow Miss Granger for a little chat in my office." He said before beckoning to me. Was I really in this much trouble?

"Red Skittles." Dumbledore said to the gargoyle and we went inside, where Remus was standing.

"Well, let's get to business, shall we?" Dumbledore asked, clapping his hands together. "As you know, Remus cannot stay as the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher much longer, because of the complaints from parents and whatnot. So, we have decided that the best candidate for the job will be you."

"Miss Granger." I had still not gotten over the shock. "As Professor Lupin will be leaving in a month or so, we have decided that you will not be able to apprentice under him, so you will take the job immediately after you get the results of your N.E.W.T's. You will not have to attend classes after you have completed your exams."

"When will I take my N.E.W.T's?" I asked, slightly breathless.

"It is only the beginning of the year – September 5th, Miss Granger. I would have to say that you should wait until Halloween, at the very least." Dumbledore chuckled.

"More time would be nice, but I would prefer to take them on November 1st? Is that alright?" I asked, picking the very next date out of the one I was given.

"Wonderful. Now, I believe you have a class to go to, Miss Granger?"

"Yes sir!" I said, leaving. All thoughts of Snape flew out of my mind as I ran to the library, forgetting that I was supposed to return to class.

8:03 and I was found running through the dungeons like mad. "Merlin, late for detention with Snape, of all people!" I murmured to myself breathlessly.

As I stepped in, Snape said, "You are late, Miss Granger."

"I know." I snapped, "I had studying to do."

"That could have been done later."

"Not when you're taking your N.E.W.T's on November the first!" I snapped, taking out a quill, ink, and parchment. If he was surprised, he didn't say anything, neither did he show it.

"Miss Granger, you will write lines."

"Write what?" I asked, very un-intrigued.

"Anything. Just don't waste my time." He growled. "And write the lines ten thousand times."

I saluted him mockingly and set to work. I wrote 'My potions master is a bitch.' As I worked, I hummed It's a Small World until he finally snapped.

"SHUT UP!" He roared, and I snapped as well.

"Oh don't tell me to shut up, you old grouch." I said angrily, and he stared. Finally, he went back to work, muttering about annoying know-it-all's.

When I finished almost nine thousand lines, I whined, "My hand hurts. I wrote nine thousand lines so far. Can I leave?"

He looked at me innocently. "Oops, did I say ten thousand? I meant to say a thousand." I growled deep in my throat.

And here begins the Third War.

Lady Granger: Light.

Dorky Lord: Dark.

Chapter End Notes:

Author's Note 2: How was it? Tell me in a review!

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